Wednesday, 22 May 2013

IFSC European Youth Bouldering Championships Grindelwald - Keep upto date

This weekend sees the first round of the IFSC European Youth Bouldering Championships, in Grindelwald, Switzerland, where 5 members of Team GB will be competing.

Nathan Phillips, Tara Hayes, Rachel Carr, Gracie Martin and Hamish Potokar will all travel to Europe with Team Manager Tom Greenall for this first round. Tom has written a good article on the BMC Site here;

Over the course of the event there are a number of different ways of keeping upto date with the progress of the team.

Firstly, Tom will be tweeting, so if you don’t follow him are keen to keep upto date then follow;

I assume the hashtag that will be used for all team GB related information will be the standard one #gbjuniorboulderingteam

Secondly, Tim Hatch, in the same way he developed the App to keep track of the scores during the senior Bouldering Team Competitions, he has modified the app to keep track of the scores during the Junior Bouldering Competitions. Tim’s caveat is "it should work" this will be the first time it’s going to be tested live so there may be a few glitches, I doubt very much if there will be any problems but it’s a good way to arse cover!! Anyway, the app can be downloaded for the iPhone from the App Store, it works on the iPad its just smaller.

The app is called “IFSC Europe” and can be downloaded here;

Thirdly, the event is going to be streamed live here;

The full details, timings etc can be found on the IFSC Website;

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