Thursday, 28 March 2013

Interviews with Anna Stöhr & Patxi Usobiaga

Last year whilst working on Psyched! Issue 5 I had a total melt down with technology and it was impossible to get it finished off. With it being unlikely in the short term to get Psyched! back off the ground here are two links to a few of the interviews that Natalie Berry did for us;

Patxi Usobiaga;

Anna Stöhr;

Both of these are the unedited versions and were the original layout proof PDF's that I sent to Anna & Patxi, there are some typos where language has been a issue, normally we would have tidied these up, the photo's in Anna's should have had credits but I can't add the credits as I can't access the program (InDesign) I created the original in and am not intending to buy another version or update my PC anytime soon. To be honest, I quite like the ruggedness of the text..

The NB at the end of Patxi's article should also have been in his type style, as it was a footnote to his final point!

They do date back to January 2012 so are a tad out of date but for the historical read I thought it would be good to get them out there.

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