Monday, 6 January 2014

Ironman Training current 4 week plan.

I have been asked by a few people what I am doing and how I am working it, so in short, my training is a little something like this.

I am working on a 6 days on, and 1 day off basis and the sole purpose of the next 4 weeks is to build both a base layer fitness a bit of distance and technique.

  1. Day One
    Gym 45 minutes - TRX Core and Arms & Shoulders or Chest & Back
    Gym 15 minutes - weights
    Swim 45 minutes - Technique
    Bike 30 minutes - Technique on the Turbo
    (Cycle to/from Work)
  2. Day Two
    Gym 45 minutes - TRX Core and Arms & Shoulders or Chest & Back
    Gym 15 minutes - weights
    Swim 45 minutes - Base Building/Distance Work
    Run 30 minutes - Technique
    (Cycle to/from work)
  3. Day Three
    Gym 45 minutes - TRX Core and Arms & Shoulders or Chest & Back
    Gym 15 minutes - weights
    Bike 1hour 30minutes - Distance Work
  4. Day Four
    Run 10k - as fast as I can
    Climbing - 2 hours
     - Week 1; Pyramid to establish 1 grade below fail grade
     - Week 2; 1 and 1's at 1 grade below fail grade x 4
     - Week 3; 1 and 1's at 1 grade below fail grade x 4
     - Week 4; 4x4 at 1 grade below fail grade x 2
    (Cycle to/from work)
  5. Day Five
    Bike 50 minutes - Technique on the Turbo
    (Cycle to/from work)
  6. Day Six
    Run 1 hour 30 min - Distance Work
  7. Day Seven
    Rest Day
    (Cycle to/From Work)

That is roughly what I am doing over the next four weeks, or as close as possible to it. I am keeping a full plan and it is being updated daily here

As meetings or things pop up that affect the plan I will swap rest days, so sometimes I might have for example a 9 day on with one day off but then I will only have 4 days on till my next rest day so it seems to be evening out, although even on my rest days I am still cycling to work! where this occurs or if I have already done bike that day, I will cycle in a very easy gear and spin it out.

Sunday, 5 January 2014

Open Water Swimming - Stoney Cove


Having signed up to a majority of events that are open water based I thought I'd better research some open water venues I could swim at and get out there!

Since I am a relatively new swimmer, although I could dispatch a method of swimming which was very much a 'save yourself' technique if I fell in Deep Water Soloing, actual swimming any great distance with reasonable technique is new to me. 

I have never gone out of my way to go swimming in open water so the thought of the first time doing it at the Outlaw Half  (1.2 mile open water swim) terrified me.

Most open water venues close through the winter and I was super excited to find that the local (3 miles away) diving centre Stoney Cove had recently opened its doors to swimmers.

I recently got a Zone 3 wetsuit for all my events, but after speaking to a few people they advised that I'd need some booties and a hat, it's December and the water is 5 degrees!! 

So I was even more impressed to get a very speedily delivered box of goodies form Zone 3 which included a hat , gloves & booties - sorted! 

So armed with my new bits, late in December 2013, I went to Stoney Cove to try it out.

The conditions are simple;
  • swimmers must check in
  • swimmers must carry a whistle
  • swimmers must never swim alone or they need a spotter on the side

It cost £5 to swim and you pay this at the Dive Shop. 

Paid up and kitted up I was good to go... 

It was Baltic!! Once again I felt like I was doing more save yourself than actual swimming... 

It was a good experience and I lasted about 30 minutes before I had to call it quits!! 

You are not restricted in the cove it covers 13 acres and you can swim anywhere, they do have the wreck marker buoys and have a very rough guide to distances; 

The facilities at Stoney Cove are excellent, as well as the Dive Shop there is a Café, Bar, changing rooms, toilets and most importantly showers!!

There is a rescue boat on constant standby and qualified first aiders on site. 

Their open water swimming times are;

More information can be found here; Stoney Cove Web Site

Telephone; 01455 273089

Loved it!! 

Friday, 3 January 2014

MyProtein Cereal Bars

Amend as you see fit, you will need a 'big' bowl! 

330g unsalted butter
260ml golden syrup
260g soft light brown sugar
250g rolled oats
200g desiccated coconut 
125g dried apricots, chop these finely
60g dried dates, chop these finely
125g cornflakes
125g sunflower seeds 
60g dried cranberries
125g shelled chopped/broken up walnuts
125g raisins 
60g chopped Brazil nuts
60g chopped cashew nuts
300g Whey Protein (impact whey from myprotein is the best & has the highest concentration of protein, it also comes in flavours)

Butter, syrup & sugar in a pan (med heat) & mix till melted & smooth.

Mix all the rest together in a large bowl with a wooden spoon until evenly dispersed and well mixed.

Add the sugar mix to the everything mix and mix till there is nothing dry left and all is evenly dispersed... 

Press all the mixture into a baking tray (33x22x5cm) & use a spoon to press & flatten.

Cover with a sheet of grease proof paper then a book /smaller tray and put weights/jars/beer on top to weigh it down and properly flatten it even more, once cooled put all in the fridge overnight.

Cut into whatever size you want.